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eTwinning Projects a.s. 2020-2021
- Stay at Home. Read a Book. Watch a Movie.
As we can infer from the title "Stay at Home. Read a Book. Watch a Movie." the project was going to offer a meeting place to students who were experiencing once again social distancing and remote learning. Stimulating activities were meant to mitigate the potential negative effects on the students’ well-being caused by the limitations due to the pandemic. In addition the national and international novels and films that students chose enabled them to carry out activities that enhanced their understanding of the multicultural dimension through the knowledge of their own and the partners’ cultural heritage. All the engaging side activities also helped to deepen skills in cultural awareness and expression.
Countries: Italy, Türkiye, Romania, Poland and Serbia
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- Computational Thinking
In our opinion the vocational education has an extremely important role if we really want to see the transition to a more ‘green’ and environmentally sustainable economy : so it is important to teach “green” hard skill, competencies, values, attitudes and behaviours, which means to help students to develop a green mindset : there is a need for systemic changes, but we cannot forget the importance of the individual level.
"Computational Thinking" is a multidisciplinary project that aims on the one hand to use programming languages to solve complex problems, specifically environmental problems related to the 2030 Agenda; on the other hand to demonstrate that computational thinking depends on mobilizing a set of skills to interpret and manipulate information, make decisions and solve problems. The project ended with a “teach-in”, an event to celebrate Earth Day 2021.
- Te@ch with Tech
The project focuses on the use of technology in education, its applications and consequences. The pandemic and remote teaching/learning highlighted that the use of educational technology tools may be a necessity. Educational tools must therefore be used with targeted teaching strategies. 'Digital natives' (students) can and must collaborate with 'digital immigrants' (teachers) so that technology not only supports the learning process, but transforms it by promoting creativity, critical thinking and problem solving. Moreover, the pandemic amplified the negative repercussions of the infodemic and therefore, information literacy is ineffective if not accompanied by critical and information literacy. However, the excessive use of technology has negative repercussions on the physical and mental health of adolescents: in conclusion, the project also aims at a critical reflection in this regard.
Celebrazione del Safer Internet Day 2021 - sito approvato da Generazioni Connesse
- New Books Same Places
The Common Frame of Reference for Languages (CEFR) introduces the concept of different types of reading, in fact one can read for information and argumentation or one can read for the pleasure of it. The project aimed to consolidate the pleasure of reading through a series of activities designed to increase motivation; reading with others helps us to get more involved, broadens our horizons because it makes us discover new worlds and predisposes us to overcome geographical and mental boundaries. The students worked on various texts and creatively produced multimedia outputs that were made available to the partners in a kind of virtual library.